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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Living History Museum

Where can you see Anne Frank, Jackie Robinson, Albert Einstein, Jane Goodall, and many more historical figures in one location? Our fifth grade LIVING HISTORY MUSEUM. Our three fifth grade classes studied a famous person of their choice. They created digital 3D Popup books including their researched information. Students dressed up as their character and completely transformed their speech, mannerisms and personality to fit that of their character.
Have a question for one of the famous people? Post your comment below and they will get back to you!

Make sure you direct it to someone in particular like,
Dear Michelle Obama.....
Dear Neil Armstrong....
Dear John Denver...
Dear Helen Keller....

Abraham Lincoln
Ben Franklin
Kobe Bryant and Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein
Maurice Sendak and Charles Lindbergh
Tony Hawk and Paul McCartney

Paul Revere and John F. Kennedy

Ferdinand Magellan and Michelle Obama
George Lucas
Helen Keller

Ben Franklin

Queen Elizabeth

Louis Armstrong
King Tut and Jane Goodall
Miss Oldaker's Class

Miss Bennett's Class


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