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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

We are thankful for our students!

Here at Bon Air we are thankful for all of our students and the joy they bring us every day in class. We are thankful you chose Bon Air as your child's school. We hope all of our Bon Air Families had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

The Kindergarteners celebrated Thanksgiving last week with their annual Thanksgiving Feast in the cafeteria. Each child created an "I Am Thankful" placemat and pilgrim or Native American hat. Every student was given a Ziplock bag containing one ingredient for their feast mixture. One by one, children added marshmallows, pretzels, M& M's, cheese crackers, etc to the mix. Then once each ingredient had been added the teachers stirred the mixture to create a tasty snack for the entire group. Pictures to come soon!



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