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Would you attend an Outdoor Movie Night in the spring?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Vote for BON AIR on
Bon Air Elementary is applying for the “Share the Good” grant offered from the Seeds of Change program in hopes to win $25,000 to put towards creating a community garden. Our students will learn where food comes from, the importance of a healthy diet, the process involved in food production, and the preservation of food for later use. The students will participate in the planning and construction of the school community garden, nurture the garden, and harvest healthy foods. The harvested fruits and vegetables will be a fresh and healthy addition to the “Buddy Bags” that are provided by a local church and sent home with our students to provide nutritional meals to our students on the weekends. Additional produce would be donated to local families and community food pantries.
We need your help to be selected!! Please visit the Seeds of Change Facebook page (link below) and LIKE their page. Then visit the “Share the Good Area” and type in Bon Air’s zip code (46901). Open our application and vote! You can vote one time per day. If you have any questions or you cannot access our application please call Bon Air for help. Also share this on your own Facebook page so your friends and family know to vote for us too!
Seeds of Change Facebook Page


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