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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Camcorders and Cameras

Mrs. Robinson's second grade class experimented with their camera/camcorder tool built into their KUNO devices. Students learned how to toggle between the forward and rear facing cameras, take still snapshots, record videos, and experimented with panoramic shots. At the end of the class students selected a story from their reading textbook and recorded their voice reading the story out loud. Their focus was to read fluently and with expression. After completing their recording they shared their audio with a friend and gave positive feedback about their expression, innotation and voice.


We brainstormed as a group other ways we could use the camera and camcorder feature in elementary classes. Here are some of our ideas:

Take photos of objects, then practice scrolling through pictures and naming the items
Take photos of places in the school building to learn various locations (gym, library, etc.)
Take pictures of classmates or teachers to learn their names
Use photos of different objects to make an ABC book
Find a representation of vocabulary words and take a picture
Capture some of students best work (projects, A+ on tests, drawings, etc) and save for an end of the year portfolio

Record student voices and assess for fluency
Practice flash cards with partners, the partner holds up the flashcard to the forward facing camera, the other student says the answer to record their response time
Read a story out loud and record their voice
Act out a scene from a book
Record sequences of events like "how to wash your hands."
Solve a math problem and talk out loud explaining the steps
Record your teacher (with permission) explaining a concept that students struggle with

Please comment on this post and share your ideas! We would love to hear from you!


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