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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Revving our Engines for ISTEP Part 2

The green flag is about to wave for ISTEP Part 2 as it begins in our schools. Our students are ready to press that gas pedal and charge full speed ahead towards the finish line. We are thrilled to support all of our third, fourth, and fifth graders in this final race of the test-taking season. The staff and K-2 students have rallied around them and are cheering for them from the stands! If you see a third, fourth, or fifth grader make sure to tell them GOOD LUCK! DO YOUR BEST! YOU ARE AMAZING! AND WE ARE PROUD OF YOU!

The school pulled together to support our test taking kiddos these next few weeks. We hope many small acts of kindness and some silly teachers can offer some motivation and encouragement for this stressful time of year.

Check out Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hollingsorth, and Mrs. Sobie's video on You Tube!

Every year we provide water bottles and peppermints to the kids as they take their test. This keeps them hydrated and refreshed. (According to a study in 2007, peppermints supposedly stimulate part of your brain and improve alertness......who knew?)

Our Kindergarten, First, and Second Graders, with some help from adults in the building, designed "happy" face labels to wrap around our 3-5 students water bottles. Each student got a specially designed label from another person in the building and no two bottles were alike!


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